The following categories may not contain more than 2 acro tricks. (An acro trick is such where the hips pass over the shoulders. Illusions, front and back rolls are NOT considered acro tricks and are allowed in these categories:
BALLET – a routine consisting of classical or contemporary ballet steps and movements.
CHARACTER BALLET or CHARACTER POINTE– a routine consisting of ballet steps and movements portraying a character.
CONTEMPORARY – Routine incorporating lyrical or jazz movement fused with modern elements.
JAZZ – must not contain more than 3 acro tricks and/or overhead lifts.
TAP – pre-recorded tap sounds are not permitted.
LYRICAL – routines should express the lyrics and mood of the music.
MODERN – Consists of modern technique, movement and choreography;
MUSICAL THEATRE – a routine portraying a character through dance/movement and costuming. Lip synching and any form of dance are permitted.
SONG & DANCE – Routine must contain both singing and any listed category of dancing. Song and Dance routine must consist of at least 50% dance. Microphones are permitted. Wireless headsets must be supplied by the studio. Please ensure that ample time for set up and testing is arranged before performance of routine.
IMPROV – Each solo dancer has 30 seconds to chooses 1 song from a pre-selected 3 songs. Dance is up to 1.5 mins long of improvisation. Any style of dance represented within this dance competition is welcome.
POINTE – a routine performed in pointe shoes using classical ballet steps or contemporary pointe technique.
STEP DANCE -A routine performed in step dance or tap shoes displaying traditional step dance movement.
PARENT – Recreational parent category.
PRO/AM – Any routine that contains a professional dancer. (dance teacher, choreographer, performer)
*The following categories may contain acro tricks:
ACRO – a routine that consists of both acrobatics/gymnastics and dance. An acro trick is where the hips pass over the shoulders. Acro routines will have separate High Score Awards.
PRODUCTION – This category is solely for the group size “productions”. Any and all styles of dance can be incorporated into a production. Separate Overalls
HIP HOP – contemporary dance styles (i.e. free-style, street dance, funk, etc.).
OPEN – routine not appropriate for the above categories or consisting of a combination of one or more dance styles. There is a maximum of 5 Acro Tricks allowed in Open
* A penalty from each Judge may be enforced or the routine may become “adjudicated only” at the Judge’s discretion if guidelines are not met.
* Competitors may enter as many divisions as they wish but must never compete against themselves. In the case of Duets/Trios/Groups, the same group of dancers may not compete against themselves in the same discipline unless 50% of the participants change. If this is the case, they must either move up to the next age level or enter one of the performances as ‘Open’.
If there are not enough contemporary or modern entries these categories will be judged together.